Grand-Prix Laureate - International Competition "Art of the 21st Century" in the Solo Performance nomination (Finland, 2007);
Grand-Prix Laureate - International Competition "The Cup of Europe" (Solo Performance) (Belarus, Minsk, 2012);
Grand-Prix Laureate - of the special Presidential Fund on the Support of Talented Youth (2008);
1st Prize - winner- International Competition "The Cup of Europe" (Ensemble Performance, with quartet Riviera) (Belarus, Minsk, 2012)
1st Prize - winner International Competition "Art of the 21st Century" in the Chamber Performers nomination in the staff of wood wind instruments of Riviera Quartet (Finland, 2007)
1st Prize - winner International Competition in honour of E.Cock (Kishinev, Moldova, 2006);
1st Prize - winner International Competition chamber ensembles in honour of M.Oginski (Smorgon, Belarus, 2006);
1st Prize - winner International Competition in honour of D.Byeda (Lvov, Ukraine, 2006);
1st Prize - winner National Competition named E.Glebova (Belarus, Mogilev, 2004);
1st Prize - winner National Competition of Contemporary Music "The new world sounds" (Belarus, Minsk, 2002);
1st Prize - winner International Competition“Farbotoni” (Kanev, Ukraine, 2000);
Diplomat of the 1st international Flautist Contest in honour of V.Tsubin in Moscow (2007);
2nd Prize - winner of the international Competition wood wind instruments “Yurmala 2008”;
2nd Prize - winner International Competition in honour of E.Cock (Kishinev, Moldova, 2000);
Since 2006 - the artist of the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus;
Since 2006 - member of the quartet Riviera;
2004 - 2009 - student of Belarusian State Music (teacher -proffesor B.V.Nichkov);
2009 - 2010 - magistracy of Belarusian State Music (teacher -proffesor B.V.Nichkov);
Several times performed the Concerto for Flute by Mozart and Vivaldi with orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" cond. Vladimir Spivakov in the concert hall of the Kremlin (Moskow, Russia).
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