Tatjana Kormazinova (flute)


Grand-Prix Laureate - International Competition "Art of the 21st Century" in the Solo Performance nomination (Finland, 2007);

Grand-Prix Laureate - International Competition "The Cup of Europe" (Solo Performance) (Belarus, Minsk, 2012);

Grand-Prix Laureate - of the special Presidential Fund on the Support of Talented Youth (2008);

1st Prize - winner- International Competition "The Cup of Europe" (Ensemble Performance, with quartet Riviera) (Belarus, Minsk, 2012)

1st Prize - winner International Competition "Art of the 21st Century" in the Chamber Performers nomination in the staff of wood wind instruments of Riviera Quartet (Finland, 2007)

1st Prize - winner International Competition in honour of E.Cock (Kishinev, Moldova, 2006);

1st Prize - winner International Competition chamber ensembles in honour of M.Oginski (Smorgon, Belarus, 2006);

1st Prize - winner International Competition in honour of D.Byeda (Lvov, Ukraine, 2006);

1st Prize - winner National Competition named E.Glebova (Belarus, Mogilev, 2004); 

1st Prize - winner National Competition of Contemporary Music "The new world sounds" (Belarus, Minsk, 2002);

1st Prize - winner International Competition“Farbotoni” (Kanev, Ukraine, 2000);

Diplomat of the 1st international Flautist Contest in honour of V.Tsubin in Moscow (2007);

2nd Prize - winner of the international Competition wood wind instruments “Yurmala 2008”;

2nd Prize - winner International Competition in honour of E.Cock (Kishinev, Moldova, 2000);

Since 2006 - the artist of the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus;

Since 2006 - member of the quartet Riviera;

2004 - 2009 -  student of Belarusian State Music (teacher -proffesor B.V.Nichkov);

2009 - 2010 - magistracy of Belarusian State Music (teacher -proffesor B.V.Nichkov);

Several times performed the Concerto for Flute by Mozart and Vivaldi with orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" cond. Vladimir Spivakov in the concert hall of the Kremlin (Moskow, Russia).

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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